Cultural Attractions

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Ethiopia is rich in tourist attractions, both natural and cultural, and many other attractions that you wouldn’t easily
find anywhere else on this planet.

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Hamer Tribe

Also well known as the hamar or hammer, they are one of the most known tribes in Southern Ethiopia. They inhabit the territory east of the Omo River and have villages in Turmi and Dimeka. Tourists visit the hamer hoping to see a traditional leaping ceremony (the jumping of bulls). The traditional bull jumping is a rite of passage for men coming of age. The event last three days and involves only castrated cattle.

Dassanech Tribe

The Dassanech tribe lives just north of Lake Turkana. Their neighboring tribe is the Kenyan Turkana people. Dassanech people they live in small huts made from sticks, corrugated iron & animal hide. The men and a few of the women carry around guns for protection against hyenas at night. Cattle are of great importance to the Dassanech people. They are a symbol of wealth, strength and power in the region. 

Mursi Tribe

The Mursi Tribe are a nomadic cattle herder ethnic group located in the Debub Omo Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People’s Region in Ethiopia, close to the Sudanese border. The Mursi people are the most popular in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley. They are well known for their unique lip plates. They are settled around the Omo River and in the Mago National Park.

Karo People

Karo is an Omotic language spoken in the   South Omo River of Ethiopia. Karo is described as being closely related to its neighbors, Hamer and Banna, with a lexical similarity of 81%, and is considered a dialect of Hamer. Karo are distinguished by their manner to decorate their faces and bodies using white chalk and red ochre. The men paint themselves brighter than the women to look more attractive and courageous.

Dorze Tribe

Dorze are a small ethnic group in Ethiopia who speak a language in the Omotic family they live primarily in the southern region of the country, They cultivate their own food and prevent erosion by terracing along the mountainside. In their farmlands, the Dorze will grow highland cereals. They also grow spices, vegetables, fruits and tobacco within their compound. The Dorze people wear colorful toga robes called shammas.

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