National Parks

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Simien Mountains National Park

Simien mountains National park is located in the North Gondar zone of the Amhara. It covers the highlands, ranging up to an altitude of 3,000 m and the lowlands, which lie at an average altitude of below 2,000 m. The easiest mammal to see in this area is the endemic gelada Baboon, which often be seen in family units. Also named after this area, the Simien Fox, also referred to as the Simien jackal or Ethiopian wolf.

Bale Mountains National park

Bale Mountains is the largest area of Afro-alpine habitat in the whole of continent. It gives the visitor opportunities for unsurpassed mountain walking, horse trekking, scenic driving and the chance to view many of Ethiopia’s endemic mammals; in particular the mountain Nyala and Semen Fox; and birds, such as the thick-billed raven, Wattled Ibis, blue-winged goose, Rouget’s rail, etc.

Awash National Park

Located at the southern tip of the Afar Region. The south boundary of the park is formed by the Awash River which swings north soon after leaving the park and eventually disappears into the Afar (Danakil) region. The Park covers an area of 827 square kilometers, most of it lies at an altitude of 900 meters. In the middle of the park is the dormant volcano of Fantale, reaching a height of 2007 meters at its top.

Omo National Park

Omo National Park is on the west bank of the Omo River in the lower Omo valley. The park is home to the Surma, Mogudge and Dizi peoples, with the Bume (yanyatong) making much use of areas in the south and the Mursi crossing the Omo River from the east. These people are pastoralists and hunter-gatherers, but also cultivate a few crops on the river levees, and make extensive use of the river resources. 

Nechisar National Park

Nechisar National Park is situated 510km south of Addis near the town of Arba Minch, in between Lakes Abaya and Chamo. which are also the habitat of 188 recorded species of birds. Animals to be seen are Bushbuck, Swayne's Hartebeest, Burchell's Zebra, Grant's Gazelle, Guenther's Dik-dik, Greater Kudu, Crocodile, Anubis Baboon, Grey Duiker. Birds seen include Red-billed Hornbill, Grey Hornbil,l Fish Eagle, Kori Bustard, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill.

Abijatta-Shalla Lakes Park

Situated in the Great Rift Valley, only 200 kilometers south of Addis Ababa, and in the Lake Langano recreational areas, the Abijatta Shalla lakes National Park attracts numerous visitors. The park was created for the many aquatic bird species that use the lakes, particularly great white pelicans and greater and lesser flamingo. Shalla’s islands are used as breeding sites by many birds, and is home to the continent's most important breeding colony of great white pelicans. 

Gambella National Park

Gambella National park is located 850 km west of Addis Ababa. Gambella National Park, is one of Ethiopia's least developed parks and has no facilities. Nevertheless, the large conservation area contains many species not found elsewhere in the country, such as the Nile lechwe and the white-eared kob. Roan antelope, topi, elephant, buffalo, giraffe, and the unusual whale-headed stork are also to be found here.

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